Nomenclatural validation of the genetically revised cyanobacterial genus Dolichospermum (RALFS ex BORNET et FLAHAULT) comb. nova.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:P. Wacklin
Secondary Authors:L. Hoffmann
Tertiary Authors:J. Komarek
Start Page:59
Date Published:March 1, 2009

The traditional cyanobacterial genus Anabaena is heterogeneous, as follows from the modern molecular evaluation. The cluster of planktic Anabaena-morphotypes with gas vesicles in cells must be separated as a unique generic entity from the typical benthic mat-forming species. In the present articles all planktic morphospecies are transferred into the new genus Dolichospermum in agreement with Botanical nomenclatoric rules. The name "Dolichospermum" is based on a taxonomic category of section in starting point publication (Bornet & Flahault
1888), which is valid for heterocytous cynobacteria.

Taxonomic name: 
Wed, 2019-02-27 23:50 -- Claire
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